Aztec Warrior god statue at the Prague Zoo |
Consider the cost of missed opportunities. If you always "play it safe" it is unlikely you will gain anything other than the most basic rewards. Recent studies show that most people's regrets are not something that they did, but some they failed to do!
The unknown is usually our biggest generator of fear. When you are uninformed, potential consequences become overblown. Research every possible outcome and weigh the benefits of success against the risk of failure. Knowledge will help you make logical decisions and put the risk factors in perspective.
Ask, "What is the worse that can happen?" Realistically looking at the worst case scenario can help you decide if the worst possible outcome is truly dire enough to keep you at the status quo indefinitely.
Have a Plan B. Managing risks effectively and reducing the consequences of failure can often be enhanced by having a back up plan and a solid "what if" strategy to call upon.
Consider the benefits of failure. Malcolm Forbes said, "Failure is success if we learn from it." Every failure provides experience and an opportunity to grow.
Get started. The first step is the hardest, but once a plan is set in motion, fear tends to recede; you are gaining knowledge and experience which are two important components of a successful enterprise.
Limit your options. Hernando Cortez, when conquering the Aztecs of the Yucatan Peninsula ordered his sailors to burn their ships leaving them no option for retreat. This might be translated into the current catch phrase "Go BIG or go home" Force yourself to commit and leave your fear behind.
Face your fears and realistically pick apart what is holding you back from following your dreams...then follow them!
Fortune favors the audacious. ~ Desiderius Eramus
Be Well!
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