Saturday, January 12, 2013

Happiness is...

While rummaging through a storage box, I came upon on old calendar. On the front page was a doodle with interconnecting arrows and the words, "Connect",  "Be Active",  "Take Notice",  "Keep Learning" and "Give!"

I remembered jotting them down while waiting for an appointment, They are from the book, The Happiness Manifesto by Nic Marks. Here is a link to his blog.
Marks  argues that the assumption that happiness comes from economic growth and prosperity has created an environment that undermines society's well being. He opines that rather than a constantly expanding GNP, the desired result of governance and policy making should be the well being of the people.

Marks is the founder of the Centre for Well-Being , a London based think tank that took on the task of researching what strategies nations can embrace to provide for the happiness and well being of its populace.  In addition, the Centre proposed five ways to personal well being  as the platform for greater change., and these were the words in my calendar.

Connect...Relationships are the bedrock of our happiness. Investing time and effort in developing them will provide support and enrichment in your day to day living.

Be Active...Regular physical activity releases endomorphins, the feel-good brain chemical that helps to relieve symptoms of depression, counteract  the effects of aging and immediately improves your mood!

Take Notice...Some might call this living in the moment. Be aware of your surroundings, appreciate the smallest things - the sound of falling rain or the beauty of a garden. Paying attention enhances our well being and helps us understand those behaviors which fit our personal values. Savor the moment! It's good for you!

Keep Learning...Challenge yourself to learn something new! Innate curiosity  benefits our sense of purpose. Accomplishing goals we have set for ourselves improves our self confidence, and don't discount the power of play! It is how we learn and develop social skills as children and that process continues throughout our lives.

Give!...Volunteer, say thank you, help a stranger or a friend, join a community. Research confirms that giving is not just good for the soul but for the body as well. The reward areas of our brains are stimulated when we engage in cooperative actions. You are not only doing good, you are helping yourself to feel good!

So especially in these dark winter days, practice these five ways to happiness. Be the leader that others can follow on a path to physical, mental and spiritual well being.

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