What's next? How many times do we utter that phrase over a lifetime and what diverse connotations can it conjure up?
What's next, asks the always busy 4 year old that has just completed his drawing and is ready for the next activity.
What's next, laments the exasperated teen that has just been told they’ve lost their driving and computer privileges for missing their curfew.
What's next, questions the college student facing graduation and entering the “real” exciting and frightening world.
What's next, dreams the young couple contemplating their new lives together.
What's next, queries the brand new parents gazing down at their moments old baby boy.
What’s next, thinks the employee whose job has been eliminated.
What's next, cries the newly divorced man whose life has been turned upside down.
What's next, inquires the empty nesters whose children are out on their own or those same empty nesters when the fledglings return.
What’s next, asks the widow whose life partner has suddenly died.
What’s next, questions the patient whose life has come to an end.
I am getting close to the empty nester stage of my life. My responsibilities will be lightened, my possibilities widened. How should I embrace my new freedom? I am reminded of my corporate marketing, brainstorming retreats. The first item scribbled on the sketchpad was, “Do Nothing”. That’s always the easiest option, but seldom the best or the one that is chosen. So conversely the next choice is “Do Something”. Yes, this is where to start!
So many possibilities, answers, thoughts and more questions… Where are you in this circle of life? How do you prepare for the next steps? Can you prepare? Even if you are at a point of despair when you ask the question, “What’s next?” you are embracing an attitude of hopefulness. What’s next means you are looking to the future; ready for the next challenge, event or surprise. It is only when we stop looking towards a brighter tomorrow that we truly grow old!
Open roads with lots of twists and turns and short cuts and ways to get lost if you let yourself. That can be both a blessing and curse. But if you have no destination, then any road is a potential journey of discovery, so long as you move forward.