Thursday, January 17, 2013

Every Storm Runs Out of Rain

Every once in a while I hear a song that touches my heart. Every Storm Runs Out of Rain by country music artist Gary Allan resonated with me today.

 Like so many others slogging through this difficult economy, the past year has had its ups and downs...but all this will change. Change is the one thing in life of which we can be most certain.
Change can be difficult or it can be exhilarating. We can focus on the downside that changes have wrought on our lives or we can welcome change as an opportunity to grow.

Facing change with the right attitude can make the difference between achieving our goals or allowing ourselves to spiral into discontent or despair because our lives did not play out as we planned.

What steps can we take to adapt to change? Here are ten suggestions:

  1.  Accept It - It is inevitable and you usually have no control over it.
  2. Put It In Perspective - Yes, things didn't go as planned, but how bad is it, really?
  3. Analyze It - How can this be an opportunity for growth?
  4. Plan For It - How can you use this unexpected change to plan better for the future? Changes will continue to affect you for your whole life, try to be ready when they do.
  5. Talk About It - Discussing your concerns with others who may be addressing similar issues can inspire you to try new paths and can help you realize that you are not alone in facing challenges.
  6. Make Lemonade Out of Lemons - Your car needs to be replaced, but now you can get one that gets better gas mileage.
  7. Breathe! - When you feel circumstances beyond your control are overwhelming you, take a few minutes to take some deep breaths, calm your mind and find your center.
  8. Be Patient - Change can happen quickly, but resolutions may take much longer. Keep reminding yourself that change is always happening.
  9. Keep Moving - Succumbing to the urge to retreat into your shell when things are not going your way can be overpowering, but exercising will increase the endomorphins in your brain so not only will you feel better, you will think more clearly and have more confidence that you can adapt to these changes.
  10. Have Faith - Regardless of your faith beliefs or the absence of them, know that EVERYONE must adapt to change or become extinct!  Everything that changes will likely change again.

Remember "Every Storm Runs Out of Rain".

Be Well!

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